

I started programming C++, or C at first, in 10th grade, after a friend of mine, who went to another school, told me they taught C# in one of his classes. I heard of C before, so this wasn’t really new for me, but I thought C to be a quite hard language to learn at all. And yes, if you were only writing python scripts at the time, C really was a new level. So even when I began programming C, and later C++ and eventually C#, I found it really complicated and confusing. So I came to a point where, after I reached a tutorial for programming games with SFML and couldn’t do any minor change without the game crashing as a response, I finally gave up. But luckily for my work experience in 11th grade I found a company for security solutions, who offered some places for Software Engineering. And since they used mostly C# for their tools, after two weeks of programming and even designing an only internally used tool and a bunch of help by my new co-workers, I was nearly fluid in writing C#. So switching a level lower back to C++ really was no problem. Trained and motivated I returned to my unfinished SFML game and nearly instantly found and fixed my old bugs and continued the game to a point which, in my opinion deserves to be called “finished”.



AsteroidEvasion was my first C++ programmed game. Your goal is to navigate your spaceship through an asteroid belt without getting your ship damaged. Luckily your ship has a laser cannon that you can use to destroy approaching asteroids. You can also use temporally limited items some asteroids drop, such as a shield protecting you from getting hit or several upgrades for your laser gun. But watch out, the further you fly into the asteroid belt, the tighter it gets. For complicated situations you can also use your special ability, you charge while destroying asteroids.


Project created on: January 1st 2019