

Python was my first “real” programming language, some Scratch aside. Back in (I think) 9th grade I wanted to try some more advanced programming languages. And since after a bit of googling I found Python said to be an easy language for starters, I decided to try and learn Python. If you are in the programmer’s scene you might know that Python is becoming more and more popular at the time. Mostly because of its simple and intentional design and perfect for small scripts and a can agree to that. Sadly Python isn’t really suitable for bigger projects such as games, because of its distance from the machine language most computers use, wherefore C++ and so on are more fitting. So, here are my (working) little Python scripts and even a game!



In this little game you have to, you guessed it, Guess the Number. Obviously. There are multiple levels and you have to guess a random number between 1 and - depending on the level - a higher number. The game will tell you whether you guessed too high, too low or exactly right. The less tries you need to guess the correct number, the better you are at, you guessed it, guessing!

Project created on: Oktober 11th 2017


I programmed this vocabulary trainer for my little brother for better learning vocabularies. Since my family is German, the program is for German-English translation. You can create your own list of vocabularies you want to learn. You are then asked a random vocabulary, which you have to translate. If your translation is correct and exact the way you defined it, your grade gets increased. If you get the vocabulary wrong, your grade gets decreased. On the bottom you can see your current grade and how much percent of vocabularies you got right. You can also remove and add vocabularies from your existing list if you want to.

Project created on: November 24th 2017


ConsoleQuest (or “ConsoleBasedGame” while still WIP) was my first and still is my only game created with Python. Why? Because Python really isn’t a good language for games. It does well for short scripts and small code snippets, but, as it turns out, gets really complicated for larger projects, such as this one. But since Python was my first “real” programming language as explained above and I really liked making games with Scratch, I figured this was a good way to start learning a new language. I really liked the idea of an old-school text adventure with different chapters, but also and different mechanics in each of them. But I wanted something constant across these chapters, some kind of underlying story or goal. So I added the goal to reach every chapters portal, which will take you to a completely different chapter and therefor a completely different world. And to continue your journey you’ll have to find a way to the portal of your current chapter. Either by fighting monsters or by solving riddles. I have to confess it isn’t finished yet and some kind of story behind this mess of worlds is still missing, but maybe I’ll either finish it later, or even overhaul it completely in another programming language.


Project created on: February 10th 2018